PMC_Projecten-aangeveleerd_2400x1600px_0057_Carpe Diem (1)
Equestrian sector

Steel for exclusive equestrian centre

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We worked with PMC Projects to manufacture, supply and assemble the steel for this prestigious Carpe Diem project. The steel was applied throughout the equestrian centre for a wide range of purposes.
PMC Projects
Voorjaar, 2022
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For the client, we constructed a 38 x 64 metre indoor arena, a storage hall, 24 stalls, washing areas with solariums, tack rooms with space for storing feed, a horse walker and a lunging ring. This means that Carpe Diem is fully equipped for show jumping and for providing the best care for their horses.

Comfortable apartments have been built for the customers and staff, as well as a luxurious foyer with an outdoor terrace. In the construction of these buildings, careful consideration was given to the choice of materials that would perfectly suit the building type. Laminated wooden purlins and concrete walls with red cedar cladding were used, for example.

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